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PodCast# 11
Gender, identity, sexual orientation pronouns and laws
Transgender issues affect us all no matter our individual opinion. Do we really need laws and micromanagement to co-exist with the LGBTQ+ community? Why do we create factions which mainly stem from rules enforced by society's imposed ideas to stifle freedom of expression and choice.
This PodCast is written in a simplified way for the conservative-mind that has false preconceived views and ideas of what the LGBTQ+ is really about. Also, this PodCast will show that the problem is, being forced to choose a side.
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Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer +
- Lesbian: Two women together (no men)
- Gay: Attracted to same sex
- Gay men: Two men together (no women)
- Gay women: Two women together (no men)
- Bisexual: A bisexual partner in a relationship can be attracted to either sex
- A bisexual partner in a two women Lesbian relationship can have a relationship/one night stand with a man
- A bisexual partner in a two men Gay relationship can have a relationship/one night stand with a woman
- Transgender: A man transitions into a woman OR a woman transitions into a man using a combination of surgeries and hormone therapy
- Queer: A person (man or woman) does not believe that a specific genre defines them, they can be attracted to men, women or transgender.
- + : The plus sign (+) represents all the additional genres out there that stems outside the original most common one's mentioned above.
Some (not all) of the LGBTQ groups represented by the + sign are:
- Cross-dresser: Is someone, for example, a male who one day feels feminine and dresses up in female clothing with makeup, all done carefully and meticulously in order to pass as a woman. For the time they are crossdressing, they identify as she/her and would like to be treated as a female. The sexual aspect in cross dressing is not a factor or is not the main focus of the cross dressing, but rather, the "temporary" need to be treated like a female is the driving force in crossdressing.
- Drag-Queen: Drag-Queen is similar to CrossDressing with one distinguishable element which is performance. Dragging involves performance whereby the intent is an undoing of gender norms through doing (or dressing) the part of the opposite sex.
Also, it is worth noting and it’s in my opinion, that Crossdressers and drag queens who fetishize/sexualize the genres are not part of the LGBTQ+ since they are playing a fetish for sexual gratification. And, confusing them with real crossdressers and drag queens defined above, is pushed by mainstream paid actors to spread ignorance and further people’s divide.
The way to identify actors is simple! Look for someone who does not put in the effort into their perceived gender, and who blurs the genre’s. Their primary reason to crossdress is sexual gratification. They focus on posting images and videos of themselves online to attract sexual responses from men. For example, a man who dresses up in womens clothing, puts makeup on, identifies as a woman but doesn't shave their beard, does not put in the effort to look like a woman or attempt to be a passable woman, acts obnoxious, forces themselves on others, and their behavior is perverted sexualized.
note: Please distinguish between actors-with-mal-agenda and genuine crossdressers or transgender persons (trans-women) who despite the effort, some are still not passable as a woman.
Genuine crossdressers or transgender persons do not create obnoxious controversies and tend to shy away from confrontation; while “actors” they create and inflate situations to create emotionally charged controversies designed to create conflict for the purpose of dividing people into groups to attack one another. These actors/saboteurs capitalize on famous social-media influencers picking up on controversies they create; don’t fall victim for the media and its various influencers, on both sides! - Cross-dresser: Is someone, for example, a male who one day feels feminine and dresses up in female clothing with makeup, all done carefully and meticulously in order to pass as a woman. For the time they are crossdressing, they identify as she/her and would like to be treated as a female. The sexual aspect in cross dressing is not a factor or is not the main focus of the cross dressing, but rather, the "temporary" need to be treated like a female is the driving force in crossdressing.
Stigma and Resentment
Paid Actors
People are blind to the fact that there are paid groups of people who have a specific sinister agenda in mind, and the end result is to divide the populace creating a distraction from what is really happening in the world and current events.
Characteristics of artificial actors:
- Fake AI generated content of men wearing exaggerated applied makeup made to be ridiculed by people in order to tarnish the image of the trans-community.
- Intentionally blurring and confusing crossdresser men who are cisgender and dress in women's clothing with makeup temporarily-identifying as women; with transgender women who take hormones, do surgeries and physically and permanently transform their bodies from male to female. Crossdressers and trans-women are very different from one another.
- Intentionally confusing transgender people and crossdressers with the mentally ill cisgender people who caricaturedly imitate people of the opposite sex, some engage in perverted activities for sexual arousal; these are 3 distinct types of people.
- The above said content of men artificially made to look ridiculous exhibit rude and obnoxious characteristics that are forced on others and done intentionally to cause outrage. Some examples we’ve seen are the grooming of kids in schools without parents permission and other important figures made to look ridiculous.
- Illogical rules and laws enacted that are designed to create divisions between people.
- All the above points are amplified by important public figures and the media.
All the above is designed to:
Note: No person is ever obligated to be attracted to another person. That completely goes against the concept of autonomy and consent that is so central to the trans and LGBTQ+ community.